16 Jul 2012

Frucosol juicers in South Africa...


This is the website of our new distributor in South Africa, the company Wesfleur Catering Services, in Table View, Cape Town (South Africa).

Its manager, Leon Butler, has decided to offer our juicers to all his customers and people interested in earning health and money in this beautiful country...We must remember that it was in South Africa where Spain won its first World Cup in football !!

Then, do not hesitate and contact our friend Leon to get more information about our juicers.

5 Jul 2012

Spain-Italy, Final Game Euro Cup 2012

Frucosol would like to congratulate the Spanish National Football Team for its victory in the last Euro Cup that took place in Poland and Ukraine.

In the same way, we would like to stand out the impressive tournament the Italian National team did until the final game.

Our congratulations from all the Frucosol team....